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Invited Talks 

2018          "Interpersonal Touch in Mandarin Interaction"

                   Center for Language, Interaction and Culture Colloquium talk, UCLA, October 2018

2018           “Units of Language—Units of the Body”

                   International Workshop “Divergent Units and Fuzzy Boundaries”, University of Potsdam, Germany, September 2018.


2018           “Multimodal Interaction: Theory and Methodology”

                   International Workshop “Frontiers of Interactional Research on Chinese Language”, Beijing Language and Culture University,                            China, August 2018.


2018           “Clicks and their Functions in Mandarin Conversation”

                   Research Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China, June 2018.


2018           “Multimodality in Chinese Interaction”

                   Institute of Linguistics, Central China Normal University, China, May 2018.


2018           “Interpersonal Touch in Mandarin Conversation”

                   Research Cluster on Linguistics and Language Education, Concordia University of Edmonton, April 2018.

2016           “Talk and the Body in the Construction of Interactional Units in Mandarin Conversation”

                    Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures, University of Calgary, September 2016

2014           “Some Functions of Recipient and Speaker Head Nods in Mandarin Conversation” Scientific Network of Multimodality and                                   Embodied Interaction, University of Bielefeld, Germany, September 2014.


2014           “Re-open a Telling with Yinwei-Clauses in Mandarin Conversation” International Colloquium on Adverbial Patterns in Interaction                       –between Bi-Clausality and Online Emergence, University of Potsdam, Germany, September, 2014.


2013            “Multimodality and Chinese Interaction”

                     Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China, July 2013.


2013            “Language and the Body in the Construction of Units in Mandarin Conversation”

                     International Workshop of Linguistic and Interactional Units in Everyday Speech: Cross-linguistic Perspectives, University of                                Alberta, June, 2013


2013           “New Beginnings—Particle eh and Sequence Organization in Mandarin”

                     International Workshop on Conversation Analysis in Asia, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, February 2013.


2012           “Divergent Semiotic Resources in Mandarin Interaction”

                     Scientific Network of Multimodality and Embodied Interaction, University of Saarland, Germany, November 2012.


2012           “Transcribing Multimodal Data”

                    Linguistics Department, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, June 2012.


2011           “Interplay of Syntax, Prosody and the Body in Turn Organization in Mandarin Face-to-Face Conversation”

                     City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May 2011.


2010           “Multimodal Interaction: Behaviors in Mandarin Chinese face-to-face conversation”

                     Tsinghua University, China, September 2010.


2010           “The Significance of the Body in Question-Answer Sequences in Mandarin Chinese Conversation”

                    Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands, March, 2010.


2010           “The Interactional Body in Conversation”

                     Center for Advanced Studies in Language and Communication, University of York, UK, February 2010. 


2009             “The Construction of Turns and Body Movements in Mandarin Chinese Conversation”

                     International Workshop on Interaction and Usage-Based Grammar Theories: What about prosody and visual signals?, FRIAS                              (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies), Germany, December 2009.


2009             “Body Movements in Turn Organization in Face-to-Face Interaction”

                     Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft (Department of Linguistics and Liturature), University of Bielefeld, Germany,                            September 2009.

Conference Presentations

Keynote speech 


2016            "Some Discourse-Interactional Uses of 'yinwei' in Mandarin Conversation". 2nd International Conference on Interactional                                    Linguistics and Chinese Language Studies, Shanghai, China, March 2016.


2014            “The Multimodal Construction of Turns in Mandarin Conversation” Chinese Interactional Linguistics Conference,                                                    Beijing, China, August 2014. 


Other conference presentations 


2015             “Can yinwei be Used as a Discourse Marker?”  27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL), UCLA, USA. 


2014             “Multimodal Construction of Turns in Mandarin Conversation”  2nd International Conference of American Pragmatics                                           Association (AMPRA), UCLA, USA. 


2014             “Multimodal Construction of Turns in Mandarin Conversation”. ICCA14 (International Conference of Conversation Analysis                                 2014), UCLA, USA. 


2014             “Prosodic and Embodied Matching in English, Mandarin and German: Practices for sequential alignment and (dis)affiliation” (co-                       authored with Beatrice Szczepek Reed). ICCA14 (International Conference of Conversation Analysis 2014), UCLA, USA. 


2014             “Touch in Everyday Interaction: A comparative perspective” (co-authored with Christian Meyer). ICCA14 (International                                          Conference of Conversation Analysis 2014), UCLA, USA. 


2014             “Multimodal Construction of Turns in Mandarin Conversation”. IACL(International Association of Chinese Linguistics)-21                                       &NACCL(North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics)-26, Maryland, USA. 


2013              “Contingency and the Construction of Units in Interaction”. 13th IPrA (International Pragmatics Association Conference). New                            Delhi, India. 


2013              “Multimodality, Units and Action in Mandarin Conversation”. 12th ICLC (International Cognitive Linguistics Conference),                                      University of Alberta  


2012              “Divergence of Syntax, Prosody and Body Movements in Interaction”. 2nd  International Symposium on Chinese Language and                          Discourse, Singapore. 


2011              “The Body and the Organization of Units in Mandarin Conversation”. 1st LANSI (Language and Social Interaction Working                                    Group) Meeting, New York, NY, US. 


2011              “Body Movements and Conversational Units”. The 7th LSHK Postgraduate Research Forum on Linguistics, Hong Kong. 


2010              “The Construction of Units and the Body”. ICCA10 Conference (International Conference on Conversation Analysis) Mannheim,                          Germany.


2009               “Body Movements in Turn Completion in Mandarin Chinese Talk-in-Interaction”. GESPIN (Gesture and Speech in Interaction)                             Conference, Poznań, Poland.                                                        


2009              “Prosody and Turn Organization in Chinese Conversation”. 11th IPrA Conference, Melbourne, Australia.                  2009                                        “Gesture and Turn Management in Conversation”. 15th LISO (Language, Interaction & Social Organization) Conference, UCSB,                            Santa Barbara, USA.


2009              “Eliciting Affiliative Responses in Complaint Stories”. CPrA (Conference of Chinese Pragmatics Association), Wuhan, China.


2008              “Cooperative Overlaps in Chinese TV Talk Show Program”. 6th International Conference on Chinese Sociolinguistics, Hong                                  Kong.



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