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Humboldt Research Fellowship

February--July, 2019 

University of Freiburg, Germany

Host: Peter Auer


Humboldt Research Fellowship

February--July, 2019 

University of Freiburg, Germany

Host: Peter Auer


International Scientific Network "Interactional Linguistics“

Invited member, 1st Network Meeting, March 20-22, 2019 

University of Freiburg

Organizer: Martin Preiffer


Workshop "Interactional Linguistics and Chinese Language Studies"

Invited speaker, November, 2019 

Xiamen University, China

Organizer: Yao YUE


Invited speaker, Sept. 13--15, 2018 

Presentation title: Units of Language—Units of the Body

University of Potsdam

Organizers: Dagmar Barth-Weingarten & Margret Selting



International Workshop “Divergent Units and Fuzzy Boundaries”

International Workshop “Divergent Units and Fuzzy Boundaries”

Invited speaker, Sept. 13--15, 2018 

Presentation title: Units of Language—Units of the Body

University of Potsdam

Organizers: Dagmar Barth-Weingarten & Margret Selting



International Workshop “Frontiers of Interactional Research on Chinese Language”


Invited speaker, August, 2018 

Workshop session title: Multimodal Interaction: Theory and Methodology

Beijing Language and Culture University


International Colloquium on Adverbial Patterns in Interaction

Scientific Network on Multimodality and Embodied Interaction

Invited speaker, Sept. 19--21, 2014 

Presentation title: Some interactional functions of yinwei "because" in Mandarin conversation

University of Potsdam

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Barth-Weingarten & Dr. Oliver Ehmer



Link to the colloquium:


Invited member of the DFG(German Research Foundation)-funded Network, Sept. 2012--Aug, 2015 

Project title: Interactional function of recipient and speaker head nods in Mandarin conversation

Organizers: Cornelia Gerhardt (Saarland University) & Elisabeth Reber (Universität Würzburg)



Link to the Network:


Key note speaker at the 1st Chinese Interactional Linguistics Conference

Invited to give a key note speech at the 1st Chinese Interactional Linguistics Conference 第一届互动语言学与汉语研究研讨会

August 2014

Presentation title: Multimodal construction of turns in Mandarin conversation

Renmin University

Beijing, China


Link to the news report of the conference:

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and University of Alberta Exchange Grant

Invited by Dr. Mei Fang 方梅 at the Institute of Linguistics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 社科院语言所 to discuss collabroation projects and gave a talk on "Conducting multimodal research in Mandarin Chinese interaction" July, 2013 

Beijing, China


Link to the Institute of Linguistics of CASS:

Theme session at the 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC) and workshop on Language, Body, and Cognition: A look at action formation in Chinese spoken discourse

Organizer of the theme session and workshop on Multimodality in Chinese Interaction, June 23-26, 2013

Received grant from the China Institute to organize the theme session and invited leading scholars in the field of Chinese linguistics to attend the theme session and workshop.

University of Alberta,



Link to the 12th ICLC conference:

Workshop on Linguistic and interactional units in everyday speech: Cross-linguistic perspective

Invited speaker, June, 21-22, 2013

Presentation title: Body and language in the construction of units

Organizer: Prof. Yoshi Ono

University of Alberta,



Link to the Units Workshop:

International Workshop: CA in Asia

Invited speaker, Feb. 27-28, 2013

Presentation title: Leaning and recipient-initiated questions in Mandarin conversation

Organizer: Prof. KK Luke

Nanyang Technological University 



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